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Type A facility for people with disability employment continuation support Sorafune

We are a type A establishment in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture that supports the continued employment of persons with disabilities.
This company was established to capture the desire to live positively in society even with disabilities, and to live in a general society, not in hospitals or facilities.

I would like to help people with disabilities work while working with society to become independent and work.

To make everything “form”

Satsuma Kirara Farm Club

Satsuma Kirara Noen Club produces not only the raw materials used in Athos Foods but also the fruits and vegetables. Atos Foods believes that the role of Athos Foods is to clarify traceability by providing an integrated production system from the production of raw materials to the manufacture of processed products, and to provide customers with peace of mind.

た め In order to respond to the growing shortage of producers in the future, we will aim for better production while cooperating with Sorafune at employment support facilities.

site map

Atus Foods Co., Ltd.

head office


6485-7 Nakagocho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture

TEL. 0996-22-5524 FAX. 0996-22-5594


Ohshouji Factory


3501 Ookoji-cho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture

TEL.0996-25-2643 FAX.0996-25-2645


Athos Kitchen


5432-3 Nakagocho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture



Atus Foods Co., Ltd.

head office


6485-7 Nakagocho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture

TEL. 0996-22-5524 FAX. 0996-22-5594


Ohshouji Factory


3501 Ookoji-cho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture

TEL.0996-25-2643 FAX.0996-25-2645


Athos Kitchen


5432-3 Nakagocho, Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture



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